Gourmet Veal Stock, 1ltr
Salsus Gourmet Veal Stock is a premium ingredient that is perfect for adding depth and richness to your favorite dishes. Salsus is a Norwegian company that has set out to produce the world’s best broths and stocks for professional chefs, and their Gourmet Veal Stock is a testament to their commitment to quality.
To create this delectable stock, Salsus starts with clean water and the finest ingredients, including valuable animal bone raw materials. With the help of renowned chefs, Salsus has perfected their additive-free bone broths and stocks, which are now used by chefs around the world.
Salsus Gourmet Veal Stock is made using traditional methods, with veal bones that are slowly simmered for hours to extract all the flavor and nutrients. The result is a stock that is rich and full-bodied, with a complex and savory flavor that is perfect for making soups, stews, sauces, and gravies.
Whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook, Salsus Gourmet Veal Stock is a must-have ingredient in your kitchen. With its premium quality and rich flavor, it is perfect for adding depth and complexity to your dishes. So why not elevate your cooking to the next level with Salsus Gourmet Veal Stock?
Veal Stock Ingredients: Water, Meaty Veal Bones, Onion, Carrot, Leek, Parsley, Thyme, Bay Leaf, Pepper, Salt.
Fresh product weights can vary (differences will billed or refunded).
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